Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Top 6 lesson learned from book - Wings Of Fire.

1)We are all born with a divine fire in us.

Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire.
Every person possesses extraordinary power within himself. Once we realize that power, we should not let that potential go to waste. We should take steps towards achieving our goals by knowing that we have the power and are capable of what we want to achieve. We should always keep that fire burning in our souls and let it guide us.

2)Total commitment is not just hard work; it is total involvement.

Commitment is not just working 24*7 or working with no direction or just completing the work before you anyhow. Commitment is the way of doing your task by putting your whole and soul into it. Total involvement is- your attention should be only on your job but nowhere else. Total involvement means doing the work with great excellence.

3)Problems are part of life; sufferings is the essence of success.

365 days of the year are not the same. Everyone has to face ups and downs in their life, particularly on the path of achieving their dreams. But these obstacles do not come in your way to stop you. They come to teach you some lessons and to make you stronger than before. Sufferings might seem unpleasant; still, we should welcome them as we welcome pleasure because we can not really enjoy success until we have experienced suffering. We should learn from them, and we should use them as an opportunity to increase our standard.

4)A big shot is nothing but a little shot that keeps on shooting.

Often we get overwhelmed by the notion of perfection or the notion of sudden big change in our life. But to accomplish the goal, we have to put it into work every single day. We can not get success overnight. It takes time, and our job is to do our defined work every day because success is a series of small wins.

5)Naturally, major opportunities are accompanied by equally major challenges.

The bigger you dream, the harder you have to work, the harder challenges you have to confront in your journey. And this will be a futile expectation that with average efforts, you can achieve something extraordinary. There is a simple law if you want to achieve some great heights in your life, you should be prepared to face that many great challenges.

6)Before God trusts you with success, you must prove yourself humble enough to handle the big prize.

Before god, reward your success. He always tests the person whether he deserves it or not. Therefore, always keep yourself grounded and be kind to others. Do not be egoist after getting a successor before that. Because God always favors those who are worth handling the success without being rude.

Friday, October 14, 2022

What kind of procrastinatorare you?Type of procrastination -

Hesitators have such a hard time
making decisions that they often get to
work rather late in the game, whether it’s
working on a paper or studying for an
exam. Hesitators tend to avoid new
situations because they're likely to cause
anxiety and feelings of incompetence.
Hesitators would gain a lot from trusting
themselves more. If they think they'll
have trouble with an assignment, they
can always ask for help from a colleague
or a teacher.

Shirkers try to avoid disagreeable or
boring situations. They prefer to keep their
minds distracted by busying themselves
with other work. They probably feel
anxious about being evaluated and prefer
to hand their work in at the last minute.
This way they can justify their poor
performance by saying they didn't have
enough time. It's important for shirkers to
increase their tolerance for activities that
they don’t particularly enjoy, and to realize
that their teachers are evaluating the quality
of their work, not their value as individual

3) Perfectionist
Perfectionists are often chasing after such
inaccessibly high standards they end up
discouraged rather than motivated. Their
quest for excellence leaves them chronically
dissatisfied, which pushes them to
perpetually postpone handing in their work.
Luckily, by accepting their strengths and
weaknesses and following project or
homework guidelines, perfectionists can
decrease their anxiety and get the work
piling up on their desk done - on time!

A) Anarchists
Anarchists don't much like having to meet
other people's standards. They don't feel
very motivated when they see a task as
imposed on them, and they react by
postponing it so they can accomplish
something more satisfying. They're
sometimes very invested in extracurricular
activities, which excite them more and might
eat up all their time. (Opportunities are certainly not lacking on campus!) To improve their work habits, anarchists might find reasons to get started by linking their assignments with their personal interests.

Becoming aware of the excuses we use to
justify putting off our obligations enables
us to recognize those moments in which
we're in danger of succumbing to
procrastination. This is a crucial step if you're
going to respond effectively next time!
The next step is convincing yourself to
actually do your work, in order to ensure
your academic success and maintain your
quality of life.

10 ways to stop procrastination.

1)Resolve Any Potential Emergency
What is the worst-case scenario if I ignore this

2) Do a 5- to 10-Minute Daily Review
Make sure you're focusing on the right things.

3) Focus On Your MITS
These have the biggest long-term
impact on your life.

4)Eat the Frog
Complete the hardest task first, the one that you
know you're mostly likely to procrastinate on.

5) Mini Habit for Challenging Tasks
Set a "lowball" goal that makes it simple to get started on challenging tasks.

6)Elephant Habits for Ongoing Projects)
Chip away at daunting tasks in 5- to 10-minute
increments every day.

7)Build the Discomfort Habit
This will increase your personal tolerance for completing challenging tasks.

8) Build the Awareness Habit
What reason do I have for putting off this task? Why do I feel it's so tough to do?

9)Bundle Rewards with Actions
Only allow reward yourself when you do
something that benefits you in the long term.

10) Attach All Tasks to a Goal
Connect each personal and professional responsibility to an important value or goal.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Top 20 Lessons from book -Mastery by Robert Greene

1 – Understand who you truly are, and what kind of vocation or career you feel called to do.

2 – Commit to an apprenticeship, in which you undergo years of humble observation, skill acquisition, and experimentation.

3 – Revert to a feeling of inferiority, and possess and deep humility and eagerness to learn from others.

4 – Move toward resistance and pain, let go of need for comfort/security, and cross the threshold past the initial tedious stages of learning.

5 – After apprenticeship phase, you must become bold, confident, and willing to test out skills and make connections between different ideas.

6 – Learn to embrace criticism and failure, and be grateful for the opportunity to learn and improve as a result of your mistakes.

7 – Understand that there is an emotional component, not intellectual, that separates the true masters from others.

8 – Develop your social intelligence, and your ability to empathetically put yourself in another person’s shoes and see/understand things from his or her perspective.

9 – Move past the habitual tendency to judge others or idealize/demonize them, and simply observe them rather than projecting your own thoughts, emotions, or insecurities onto them.

10 – You must be wary of many peoples’ tendencies to display certain vices that could hinder your progress, such as: envy, conformism, rigidity, self-obsessiveness, laziness, flightiness, and passive aggression.

11 – Learn to speak through your work, and to win others to your side of thinking by being patient and letting what you have done speak for itself.

12 – Try to see yourself as other see you, so that you can remain emotionally detached and try to improve upon your flaws and shortcomings.

13 – Suffer fools gladly, and don’t take criticism seriously or personally from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

14 – Return to your childlike sense of wonder and endless curiosity about all things in order to stimulate your creative energy.

15 – Drop all preconceived notions about he world, and utilize the power of your imagination to the fullest.

16 – Always be open and receptive to new ideas that challenge conventionality, and don’t be afraid of thinking something that is unpopular.

17 – Love learning for its own sake, and connect a wide array of ideas from different fields of study and disciplines.

18 – Maintain a sense of destiny/purpose and feel consciously connected to it.

19 – Qualities that will help you succeed: Self-discipline, desire, persistence, focus, effort, patience, energy, obsessiveness, observance, confidence, trust in self, emotional commitment, humility, adaptability, boldness, openness.

20 – Qualities that hinder your success: Complacency, conservatism, dependency, impatience, grandiosity, inflexibility, distractibility, becoming egotistical, close-mindedness.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

10 Top Lessons From the Book “ No Excuses”

1. Set a deadline for your goal.

🎯What do you do if you don’t achieve your goal by your deadline?

Simple. You set another deadline.

2. Write your goal

💥Then discipline yourself to generate twenty answers to the question: “How can I achieve this goal?”.

3. The fact is that “if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse”.

4. Look ahead three to five years

Determine the new knowledge and skills you will need in order to lead your field in the future.

🤛Then start acquiring them today.

5. Select the top person in your field

🥇The one you admire most, and use him or her as a role model for our own development.

6. Failures feel sorry for themselves when things go wrong,

whereas successful people look for the valuable lesson they can learn that will help them in the future.

7. In life, it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down.

All that matters is how many times you get back up.

🟢If you continue to get back up and press onward, you must eventually reach your goal.

8. Simple three-part formula for success at work:

💥come in little earlier, work a little harder, and stay a little later.

9. Only your actions tell you- and others- what you truly value.

10. If you increase your exercise level to 60 minutes each time, five time per week, you will be in the top 1 or 2 % of physically fit people in the world today.

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