Friday, October 14, 2022

What kind of procrastinatorare you?Type of procrastination -

Hesitators have such a hard time
making decisions that they often get to
work rather late in the game, whether it’s
working on a paper or studying for an
exam. Hesitators tend to avoid new
situations because they're likely to cause
anxiety and feelings of incompetence.
Hesitators would gain a lot from trusting
themselves more. If they think they'll
have trouble with an assignment, they
can always ask for help from a colleague
or a teacher.

Shirkers try to avoid disagreeable or
boring situations. They prefer to keep their
minds distracted by busying themselves
with other work. They probably feel
anxious about being evaluated and prefer
to hand their work in at the last minute.
This way they can justify their poor
performance by saying they didn't have
enough time. It's important for shirkers to
increase their tolerance for activities that
they don’t particularly enjoy, and to realize
that their teachers are evaluating the quality
of their work, not their value as individual

3) Perfectionist
Perfectionists are often chasing after such
inaccessibly high standards they end up
discouraged rather than motivated. Their
quest for excellence leaves them chronically
dissatisfied, which pushes them to
perpetually postpone handing in their work.
Luckily, by accepting their strengths and
weaknesses and following project or
homework guidelines, perfectionists can
decrease their anxiety and get the work
piling up on their desk done - on time!

A) Anarchists
Anarchists don't much like having to meet
other people's standards. They don't feel
very motivated when they see a task as
imposed on them, and they react by
postponing it so they can accomplish
something more satisfying. They're
sometimes very invested in extracurricular
activities, which excite them more and might
eat up all their time. (Opportunities are certainly not lacking on campus!) To improve their work habits, anarchists might find reasons to get started by linking their assignments with their personal interests.

Becoming aware of the excuses we use to
justify putting off our obligations enables
us to recognize those moments in which
we're in danger of succumbing to
procrastination. This is a crucial step if you're
going to respond effectively next time!
The next step is convincing yourself to
actually do your work, in order to ensure
your academic success and maintain your
quality of life.

10 ways to stop procrastination.

1)Resolve Any Potential Emergency
What is the worst-case scenario if I ignore this

2) Do a 5- to 10-Minute Daily Review
Make sure you're focusing on the right things.

3) Focus On Your MITS
These have the biggest long-term
impact on your life.

4)Eat the Frog
Complete the hardest task first, the one that you
know you're mostly likely to procrastinate on.

5) Mini Habit for Challenging Tasks
Set a "lowball" goal that makes it simple to get started on challenging tasks.

6)Elephant Habits for Ongoing Projects)
Chip away at daunting tasks in 5- to 10-minute
increments every day.

7)Build the Discomfort Habit
This will increase your personal tolerance for completing challenging tasks.

8) Build the Awareness Habit
What reason do I have for putting off this task? Why do I feel it's so tough to do?

9)Bundle Rewards with Actions
Only allow reward yourself when you do
something that benefits you in the long term.

10) Attach All Tasks to a Goal
Connect each personal and professional responsibility to an important value or goal.

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